recruitment in R&D

Empowering life-saving innovations

Research and development

Research and development (R&D) is critical in all life sciences industries.

By relying on headcount AG’s experience in this sector, you receive comprehensive support on your journey to provide the world with life-saving medicines and devices.

Generally, R&D departments consist of team members with advanced degrees which enable them to understand and effectively communicate the science behind a device or pharmaceutical product.

R&D is critical to the progress of the life sciences industries. It enables the development of new and innovative products and treatments that improve human health and wellbeing. R&D endeavours require significant investment in terms of time, resources, and expertise, but achieve significant benefits for both patients and the overall healthcare industry.

Leaders in your industry

Your team is changing the world, one member at a time. headcount AG places qualified candidates in life science companies providing society with life-saving medicines and devices.

achieve your recruitment goals

Whether you’re looking for talent or searching for a job, headcount ag can meet your professional needs



With headcount, you benefit from our comprehensive knowledge of the Swiss life science market, regulations, and key industry stakeholders.



Our database is always up-to-date and has 12,000+ expert candidates and 30+ companies in the Pharma, Biotech, Medical Devices and Digital Health industries.

Let us improve your business!

Your team is changing the world, one member at a time. headcount AG places qualified candidates in life science companies providing society with life-saving medicines and devices.